Friday, February 27, 2009

smoking kills

this is such an awesome idea for the ceiling of a smoker's lounge. lol

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Must be nice...

i am extremely...

Shocked! It's funny that there are almost as many results as I am extremely lonely. My funny find of the day. enjoy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Panda Dog!

"Obscenely cute and somewhat controversial - the Panda Dog has taken Japan by storm!

Is it a new hybrid species born of an innocent but forbidden love affair between a panda and a dog? (That's a mental picture that's difficult to erase from my mind.....)

Or maybe it's a photoshopped image some cruel and bored person created to pull our legs (and if so, will it one day be categorized with the Loch Ness and Bigfoot under 'mythical creatures'?)

Oddly enough - it's not so much a mystery as it is a tale of love, passion, rescue, and a big bottle of black (doggie-safe) hair dye...."

I'm not too sure what to think of this. Every since I first heard about this creature I thought it was fake. However, if this was in fact real and affordable I would totally buy one. Who doesn't love a cute panda or a loyal dog? Imagine having both in one pet. Now that would be something to brag about.

taken from:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Air and Space Museum

I went with Roy to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Chantilly, Virginia over the weekend. Got a few great shots. Check out my flickr for more

new zoom tre's!

i am obsessed!

Sunday, January 18, 2009 launches

I worked closely with photographer Joe Cereghino (Red Bull, Fader Magazine and CMJ) to design and code his photography website. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Whoever said winning isn't everything...

wasn't a Lions fan. haha!