It's insane when you try and think about how much brands we use in a day. From the second we wake up up until we go to sleep, each person uses a countless amount of brands in a day. They are everywhere, from the type of toothpaste you use (I sure hope you do at least) to the make of car you drive (honda!). There's this lady who goes by the name of "Jean Simple" who has a blog and she recorded the brands she used in a 24/7 period. All I can say is... pretty damn interesting to say the least.
JUST in my last few minutes I've used: General Mills, Apple, Colgate, Oral B, Pantene Pro V, Dove, Got2b Glued, American Eagle, Nike & Hanes to name a few. Wow.. my list would be endless in a 24 hour span.
Source: dearjanesample.wordpress.com