My best friend just recently started his first "real job" as a graphic designer since graduating from college. We were hanging out the other night and he told me he was nervous for his first day. I made a joke and asked him if he had his lunch box and book bag packed and if he was going to remember to tie his shoes. I'm only 22 years old... so I haven't had THAT many "cant sleep at night" nervous events in my life thus far... but a first real job can easily be thrown on that list for anyone. Very soon I will be starting my first real job as a graphic designer and I'm super nervous for my first day. I however can throw in: first date, first day of high school, college graduation & job interviews to that list VERY proudly.
I just recently saw Drillbit Taylor for the first time and I loved it! If you haven't seen it... go out and rent it! It made me think back to how I felt during my first day of high school & college like it was just yesterday (minus the bullies of course). Man time sure does fly... it's crazy.